Filing Applications

Product Certification is a requirement prior to marketing certain devices in North America. Even devices which are given away or used only for regular use for a company’s own purposes may require certification.

In the US, certification applies to most radio products and can be voluntarily elected for other product categories. Certification is required for most licensed and unlicensed devices, ie. Part 15, Part 24, Part 27 Part 90, Part 87, etc.

In Canada, certification applies to most licensed and unlicensed radio products subject to RSS standards.
In EU, under EMCD (EMCR for UK) and under RED (RER for UK) when the manufacturer has applied harmonized standards in full for article 3.2 and applicable sections of article 3.3 (section 6.2 and 6.3 for UK RER), Notified Body Type Examination Certificate is voluntary.

Under the EU RED when the manufacturer has not applied harmonized standards in full, or has deviated from harmonized standards for article 3.2 or applicable sections of article 3.3 (section 6.2 and 6.3 for UK RER), then Notified Body Type Examination Certificate is Mandatory. Contact Us for clarification on EU or UK TEC inquiries.

Please visit Our Services for additional information.

You will need to have your agency codes, copies of application forms, all necessary exhibits, and your payment information on hand. If electing to have CKCCS assist with the application, an authorization form is required (e.g POA).POA).

The evaluation process will not begin until payment is submitted. CKC CS can provide a quote for requested services and our project managers can provide additional details on payment options.

Please visit our Customer Service and Billing area for more information.

CKC CS will contact you by e-mail to confirm within 24 hours (business weekdays) the application was received. Turnaround time averages one to three business weeks for most completed applications with few returned questions. The national regulators require CKC CS to evaluate all application materials prior to determining whether the certification request can be approved.

Several of the most common exhibit types are listed below. The type and number of exhibits required for a submittal is dependent upon the type of device for which equipment authorization is sought. For more detailed information, please contact us.

  • Application Form
  • ID Label/Location Info
  • Attestation Statements
  • External Photos
  • Block Diagrams
  • Schematics
  • Test Report
  • Test Setup Photos
  • User’s Manual
  • Internal Photos
  • Parts List/Tune-up Info
  • RF Exposure Info
  • Operational Description
  • Cover Letters
  • Agent declarations

Yes, additional exhibits can be submitted by email or via the CKC CS secure online file transfer system. CKC CS strongly encourages all manufacturers to utilize the secured online file transfer system for any confidential documentation.

All documentation is requested to be submitted in common file formats such as .jpg, .doc, .docx, .odf, .xls, .xlsx, or .pdf. For US and Canada certifications, CKC CS will PDF any and all documentation provided which is not already in PDF format.

There are no file size restrictions when sending files to CKC CS. However, the national regulator may impose size limitations within their filing systems. The current FCC individual file size maximum is 6MB. CKC CS recommends limiting file sizes for faster turn-around time. Large files can cause upload problems, such as server disconnects and resets. Large files also take significantly more time to manipulate and review. Usually, the process used to create files can be manipulated so that the file is reduced to an acceptable digital storage size while still ensuring a reasonable quality document. CKC CS may attempt to reduce the file size of the documentation provided, or may attempt to break the file into multiple parts. Alternately, CKC CS may issue a request for the applicant to provide documents meeting the applicable file size limitations. CKC CS recommends all submitted PDF files be unlocked.

CKC Certification Services, LLC accepts applications by nearly any means. Please contact us to obtain instructions for submitting applications on digital media. Digital media submitted to CKC Certification Services, LLC will be retained at our facilities for a minimum of 5 years. Service charges may be applied for application documentation not provided via digital medium.

The information should not be uploaded as one file. The national regulators require information to be divided into several different categories. Each category must have a separate document uploaded to their filing systems. The application should, therefore, be divided into the applicable number of exhibit types required for your application type in order to satisfy filing requirements. This will also decrease file transfer errors by reducing the size of each uploaded file.

Absolutely. If given a letter of authorization (e.g. power of attorney), CKC CS can act on your behalf during the filing process. This service is frequently used to simplify the number of necessary updates in documentation. CKC CS will only update documentation for which we’ve been given specific instructions or have obtained prior approval. Under the POA, CKC CS can also fill out and sign the application forms on your behalf. If the applicant chooses, they can apply for a limited POA. Simply complete the contact us form and a CKC CS representative will contact you with details.

Upon approval, a draft copy of the grant or certificate will be sent via email to the primary contact with whom CKC CS has established a working relationship. Once the draft copy has been reviewed and approved by the applicant, CKC CS will send via email final copies of the grant or certificate. Hard copies of grants and certificates are available upon request, for an extra service fee.

CKC CS works with applicants closely to ensure adequate information is given regarding any non-conformities issued. Applications extending beyond 1 year may be subject to CKC CS’s automatic dismissal policy. A dismissal (or withdrawal) of the application can be voluntarily elected by the applicant within 1 year of application. A denial is a determination that the application does not qualify for certification under the national regulator’s scheme. If your application is either dismissed or denied you will still be billed for the full amount. If your application is dismissed or denied and you wish to appeal, please refer to the CKC CS appeals procedure PUB 13 available on request using the contact us link.

Once the application review process has started, the applicant is billed the full amount. However, the applicant may voluntarily cancel (withdraw) the application prior to the start of the application review.

Please visit our Customer Service and Billing area for more information on our refund policy.