About CKC CS
Who We Are
CKC Certification Services, LLC (CKC CS), an affiliate of CKC Laboratories, Inc., is an accredited certification body for radio and telecommunications equipment. For a list of presently offered certifications and product approvals, please visit a list of our services.
Who Can Use Our Services
CKC CS offers our certification services to any qualified manufacturer or laboratory. CKC CS is required to audit a manufacturer or laboratory that is not accredited to ISO Guide 17025 or equivalent prior to product certification. For product certifications under US FCC or Canada ISED standards, the test laboratory is required to be accredited and registered with the national regulator.
MRAs and International Certifications
Ongoing changes in the International regulatory environment, particularly the adoption of MRAs between the United States and other countries, mean that CKC CS’s offered services are updated as the international product approvals landscape changes. Contact Us for more information.
CKC CS offers more than regulatory approvals, Contact Us regarding guidance reviews, regulatory research and on-site training services.
How it Works
CKC CS processes applications for certification according to our list of services. Applications may be filed with CKC CS using our secure online electronic file transfer service. Upon receipt of the application form, and required exhibits, the application is given to a qualified evaluation engineer for review. CKC CS will contact you by e-mail to confirm the filing within 24 hours (business weekdays).
Once the evaluation has begun, CKC CS will contact you should there be any additional questions regarding the application package. Turnaround time varies depending on the number of items in need of clarification and the length of time it takes for manufacturers to issue responses. Typically, applications are reviewed and completed within one business week for correctly completed applications.
Payment is made at the time of filing. Please visit Customer Service and Billing for more information on payment options.
If this is your company’s first certification application, CKC CS can also assist you with obtaining the necessary items and preparing the proper documentation. Contact Us regarding your specific needs.